Created to highlight Demonstration horses and riders that will be representing the Irish Village at the World Equestrian Game in Lexington, Kentucky, September 25-October 10, 2010.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Update on Demo Team: Galanta and Oryla

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spotlight on Demo Rider: Emma Wexler

Spotlight on Demo Horse: Rebel's Run

Rebel was bred and raised by Gayle Sheahen of Irish Ridge Farm. Gayle originally envisioned Rebel to be her retirement horse, but he excelled so well in competition, she had to see how far he could go. Rebel's professional training began in 2006 with Carlie Beisel, and they placed first in eventing Beginner Novice his second time out.
Carlie and Gayle agreed that Rebel's passion was jumping with a "10" jump, so he began focusing on Hunter/Jumper. After six month, Carlie recommended Rebel begin training with Mike and Heather Bonham.
The Bonham's daughter, Kels, rode Rebel first at the 2007 Hits Desert Circuit in Palm Spring, California, and ended the season in Syracuse, New York at the Maclay Finals, where Rebel was the youngest horse there. In 2008, he competed in his first Grand Prix at Lake St Louis. That fall Kels said goodbye to Rebel and went on to Harrisburg, PA where she competed against 274 riders to win the 2008 Pessoa/USEF Hunter Seat Medal Final. Rebel headed north to the Fall Harvest show in Minnesota to meet his new owner Emma.
6 yr Old Young Jumpers Championship Midwest League in Lexington KY. 5th place
2007 USEF/USHJD Zone Horse of the Year 5th place
2008 USEF/USHJD Zone Horse of the Year 4th place
2008 Ranked National points 64th for USEF Jr Jumper
Irish Draught Society Year End Awards
2006 Hunter Reserve Championship
2007 Jumping I Reserve Championship
2007 Jumping II Championship
2008 Jumping I Reserve Championship
2008 Jumping II ChampionshipIt was at the Minnesota Harvest Horse Show that Rebel found current owner/rider, Emma Wexler. Emma was 10-years-old at the time. Since teaming up, Emma has ridden him very successfully in the hunter jumper arena. Last year, Emma won the IDHSNA year-end award for Hunter I. She also won the 2009 Minnesota Hunter Jumper Association Best Child Rider award. Since February, they have begun competing at the show jumping level. Right now, they’re competing at levels 0 and 1 and having a great time! Emma is definitely finding her way in show jumping since she made the transition from hunters.
Emma and Rebel are beyond excited and working very hard to prepare for their jumping demonstrations in conjunction with the Irish Village at the World Equestrian Games this fall!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Spotlight on Demo Rider: Anne Gaudet

Fortunately for Anne, she had also started riding ponies and showing with Red Acre Farm in Stow MA., so she still had an outlet for her love of horses. She was a successful competitor at local shows and taught two of Red Acre’s ponies to jump, including a grey paint mare who was a great great grand-daughter of Native Dancer. After moving to Colorado in 2006, Anne purchased her first horse, a TB hunter named Ernie. She showed Ernie in hunter and equitation classes for a season before soundness issues ended Ernie’s jumping days.

When looking for a replacement mount, Anne decided to switch to eventing so she could ride with Martha Deeds of Middleground Farm in Larkspur CO. She found a new partner in Rompope, an aged palomino Spanish Barb/TB who could jump the moon but had never evented before. Anne and Rompope entered 11 events over two seasons, competing successfully at Novice and Training level, in Colorado and then in Illinois, after a family move to a farm west of Chicago.
After two seasons of competition, Rompope’s age started to catch up with him and Anne was looking for a new mount again. This time she wanted to find a young horse with the talent to take her through the Young Rider program. After searching the Internet and visiting several barns to look at prospects, Anne found her forever horse at Gina Kirby’s farm in Pennsylvania. Celtic Manor Forever Diamonds ("Ziggy") is a delightful opinionated IDSH mare with athleticism to spare.
Ziggy and Anne have quickly come to trust each other while look for challenges to tackle together. Anne took last season off to bring Ziggy along, and now the pair is ready to start gaining competition experience at Novice level. Anne looks forward to continuing up the levels with this talented mare who looks like her sire in slightly smaller package.
Look for Anne and Ziggy performing Demonstrations in Dressage, Show Jumping, and Eventing, as part of the Irish Village at the World Equestrian Games.
Spotlight on Demo Horse: Celtic Manor Forever Diamonds