I asked our Irish Village Demo Team and Volunteers to email me some of their favorite moments from WEG. Here's what they shared:
Connie Arthur, Demo Rider of Bridon Beale Street RID:
"The last day of the first slot (Day 4 of WEG) I thought we (Bridon Beale Street, myself and the crowd) were a bit bored by the normal routine, so Fleur and I cooked up a bit of excitement... We got into a bit of a "quarrel" during the performance. She asked me to jump again and I refused! Then she told me to just go back to the barn, so I turned a short circle and jumped out over the arena fence. Very fun! Of course, Fleur then apologized and I jumped back in, over the "Fazolis" sign this time! Other than that we had a great time -- Fleur was a doll, the other owners, riders and helpers were wonderful. The barns were nice and it was an honor to be included."
Connie Arthur, Demo Rider of Bridon Beale Street RID:
"The last day of the first slot (Day 4 of WEG) I thought we (Bridon Beale Street, myself and the crowd) were a bit bored by the normal routine, so Fleur and I cooked up a bit of excitement... We got into a bit of a "quarrel" during the performance. She asked me to jump again and I refused! Then she told me to just go back to the barn, so I turned a short circle and jumped out over the arena fence. Very fun! Of course, Fleur then apologized and I jumped back in, over the "Fazolis" sign this time! Other than that we had a great time -- Fleur was a doll, the other owners, riders and helpers were wonderful. The barns were nice and it was an honor to be included."

Jayne Whitton, Demo Rider of Grace's Star IDSH:
"The 1st demo when we had a full crowd , everything worked out & the Meet & Greet was there & really interested. Drew & Buddy trying their hearts out - impressive as Buddy had only been jumping a few weeks. Connie & Liam jumping in & out of arena. Having a beer with Fleur when she told me Pudges story. Getting to watch all the awesome demos - I loved the 2 Dans from OZ. Moira's genorosity sharing dressage seats. Wacky weather - 90's to 40' unbelievable. X/C day - Perfect."
"The 1st demo when we had a full crowd , everything worked out & the Meet & Greet was there & really interested. Drew & Buddy trying their hearts out - impressive as Buddy had only been jumping a few weeks. Connie & Liam jumping in & out of arena. Having a beer with Fleur when she told me Pudges story. Getting to watch all the awesome demos - I loved the 2 Dans from OZ. Moira's genorosity sharing dressage seats. Wacky weather - 90's to 40' unbelievable. X/C day - Perfect."

Jess Walker, Booth Volunteer and Board Member as Northwest Region Chair of the IDHSNA: "For me being a booth volunteer, there are two things that stick in my mind as being fantastic. The first is during the first show I saw, Fleur was announcing, she had such an enthusiastic voice, the Picnic table...horses jumping that was such a hoot! The fast pace of the demo, and the air of impulsivity....I walked away from that demo in tears, I was just thrilled at what I had just viewed. With the horses intermingling, yet staying focused on their line of jumps. I was proud to be an Irish horse owner and view them at their best.

Wouther van Voorthyesan, Demo Volunteer via Holland:
"It was one big moment."

Cheryl Stephens, mother of Demo rider, Gaby Stephens on Glenlord's Laralie RIDSH:
"My WEG moment was the first day of Gaby’s and Lara’s demo. Seeing my 13 year old daughter come galloping into the demo arena on her her dream horse RIDSH Glenlord’s Laralie to the sound of exciting music as Fleur announced her and the audience clapping and cheering.What a proud day and a proud moment for this horse mom! I cried tears of happiness and joy all the way back to the barn!"

Keith Douglas, owner of Demo horse Steeped in Luck RID via wife, Elizabeth:
"I just want to go back to the WEGS and just live there forever. It was a happy time."

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