Created to highlight Demonstration horses and riders that will be representing the Irish Village at the World Equestrian Game in Lexington, Kentucky, September 25-October 10, 2010.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Top 20 Moments from WEG: #18 - The Irish Village
It was the heart and hub of our whole crew at WEG. Bill Appel and Lyn Lindstrom, with the help of Nadia Cook-Grisewood and Fleur, made this IDHSNA booth come to life. It turned out to be a lovely tribute to the breed, full of information, with fun bags and keepsakes books for spectators. We had a ton of interest the whole time. Next to us were the boys at Goresbridge Horse Sales, where a large chunk of Olympic and National level competition horses come from. The Donahues kept us laughing. Nadia and US Eventing Team vet Brendan Furlong had their booth next to the Connemara Society. We were smack dab in the middle of everything, and enjoyed meeting folks from around the world and sharing our love for all things related to Irish horses with them. Great job to everyone that had a hand in the Village.
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