Created to highlight Demonstration horses and riders that will be representing the Irish Village at the World Equestrian Game in Lexington, Kentucky, September 25-October 10, 2010.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Top 20 Moments at WEG: #5 - Meet & Greet
Organizing the demonstrations was quite an undertaking, and every day brought new challenges and problems. Amidst the chaos, I would find peace each day when the demo’s were over and our team headed into the “Meet & Greet” corral. I would stand at the rail and watch as hoards of kids and adults alike came to the fence to pet our horses and talk with the riders. So many people don’t know about the Irish horse breed, and this was an unbeatable chance for them to not only see, but interact, with the horses and really appreciate their versatility, athleticism, and temperament. It was a moment of great pride for me, for the breed and my demo team, and made me remember each day why we took on this bear of an event.
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